Sunday, October 01, 2006

X-Men Updates

File this under "Of interest to no one" if you must. Four issues into Carey and Brubaker's runs, what do I think, you ask? I like Uncanny; X-Men, not as much (remember when we used to call it adjectiveless?) . Brubaker's story, which I said before didn't hook me, is now of more interest to me than Carey's X-Men, which originally drew my interest more.

Why? Two reasons. 1)Familiarity. I know the players in Brubaker's story. Whereas the badguys (tm) in Carey's story are new to me, meaning I'm not as interested/attached. That and the art/coloring in X-Men doesn't appeal to me. 2) Pacing. Brubaker's issues seem more complete on an issue-by-issue base, even though it is a long-term story. Carey's issues each feel like a chapter in a multi-part story, and therefore not as satisfying on their own.

NOTE: I'm not saying Carey's story is bad, it's not. But in comparing the two, Ed is doing a better job of drawing this reader's interest at the part-way point than Mike is.

I'm tired. Comics are a visual medium and I'm too lazy to attach any pictures to this. I'm lazy.