Thursday, October 27, 2005

Comics for the week of 10/26/05

See Spoilt! for my reviews of Daredevil and Teen Titans. I'll use my own blog space for books outside of the Mainstream Marvel and DCU. For now we'll keep the ratings simple. Thumbs up, thumbs down, or meh. I said 'meh.'

BPRD #20 (The Black Flame #3). Mignola plots, Arcudi writes, Guy Davis draws. Thumbs up.
Did you know that both the BPRD and Hellboy series have a continual numbering? Anywho, this was the first issue of the Black Flame story that I've liked. I still don't know what's going on, but that's only because I can't remember everything that's happened in Mike Mignola's world in the past 3 years. Solid read, but these should be done in TPBs.

Losers #29 by Andy Diggle and Jock. Thumbs Up. Endgame kicks off, the story the book has been building towards. Really, if you haven't been reading Losers, you're cheating yourself. Get the trades if you're just now joining the story, but each individual issue has been worth it every time. This one is no exception. Can't wait until next issue.

Loveless #1 kicks off Brian Azza rello and Marcelo Frusin's new Vertigo series. Meh. The protagonist kills some people, pisses off some people and screws his wife. I'll skip the next issue, listen to the buzz, and if it picks up, I'll come back to this series. Maybe. Or maybe I'll just read the trade at Borders some day down the line. Meh, indeed.

And because it's such utter crapulance in every way, Teen Titans gets a big ass, Monty Burns fluid filled thumbs down. Good gravy, man. We felled trees for this sludge? (which is not meant to insult the former Malibu title 'Sludge.' I liked that)

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