Monday, November 21, 2005

Bring the Noise, Bring the Funk

Bring the best you got. Not the best, just the best I got right now here in front of me.

Mutopia X #5 (of 5): Thumbs up. Nicely ties out the Mutant X and the Mutopia X series. As David Hine says in his farewell, these were the stories of officer Ortega and his family. And with the events of M-Day (is that really what they're calling it? geez), his story is over. Very good issue, brings closure to both series. And does it well.

X-Men #177: Thumbs down. Where do I begin? Two weeks after M-Day, Polaris is without powers, but in denial about it. That's fine, I understand that. But no one else around her has noticed? Didn't they do some kind of powers role call after the big depowering? Emma, you pick up on any of Lorna's angst at all? And the way the some of the characters just throw themselves at the Sentinels without thinking... just poorly done. And why do Cyclops and Havok never attack? The two heaviest hitters, who have nothing to fear shooting up robots? I have no problem with the revamped sentinel program, but the X-Men's reaction was poor. And actually, couldn't Val have just called the mansion and said "I'm coming over with some sentinels, don't weird out about it." Just illogical all the way throughout the issue.

Green Lantern #5: Meh. It was a good enough story, easy to follow no matter how new you are to the new GL series. But GL could have been any hero and this would have worked. It wasn't a GL issue, just a generic hero issue. And that's bad. So thumbs up on the well written story + thumbs down on being able to plug in any hero + meh. I like the Van Scriver art, though.

Action #833: Thumbs up. Fun story, clean art from Byrne (though Jimmy looks 10 years old). Done in one, and it wasn'c Crisis related. An issue you could give to any one and they could follow it and appreciate it for a solid Superman story, that stands on its own.

Rocketo #3: Okay, so I've heard tons of great things about this series, so I pick up this issue, the first I can find, #3.... and meh is the best I can give it. Honestly, I want to give it a thumbs down, but will reserve that opinion, since I haven't read the first 2 issues. Though issue 3 didn't make me feel like I have to read issues 1 and/or 2. The art style was pretty, and something new, definately something you should check out. But the story? Average. Fun, but trying to be fun, instead of just being fun. I see the appeal, but I just missed connecting with this book.

X-Men: Deadly Genesis #1: Meh. Rough week. And the X-books are all letting me down. This first issue was a setup with a mysterious adversary from the team's past. But we knew all that before we even picked up the issue. Next issue maybe we'll learn something interesting, but this issue pretty much just put the ads and the articles we've already seen in comic book form. It's like when you see a movie preview and feel like you already saw the whole movie. That's what happened here, too. Pretty art, but frustrating read.

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