Sunday, November 20, 2005

Stand back, kids, this is harder than it looks

Seriously, it's getting hard to keep track. What books have I read, what books have I spoiled at comicspoilers, what books have I reviewed here, what weeks did they come out, blah blah BLAH BLAH. Makes me wonder if I should just do one book per entry and alphabetize em all. But that sounds like work, and I do enough of that during the day.

Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #15 (final issue): Meh. I really wanted to like this series, I really did. But I just couldnt. It was too.... Vertigo-ey? Which is weird for me to say, cause most of my favorite books on the stands are Vertigo books. But this whole series was just too screwy. Too hard to follow. Too disconnected from past Tim stories. Though this issue was fairly coherent and gave good closure to this chapter of his life, which gets a hearty thank you from me.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #4: Thumbs down. I'm not a hardcore turtle fan, though I do like some of the original Eastman and Laird issues. I thought the Erik Larsen series strayed too far from the suspension of disbelief that the previous stories allowed, and this current series does the same. Don is a robot. Raph is a monster. Leo works for/inside the Foot. Mike is in a prison world somewhere. And Splinter is, of course, missing. And the art was crap, too.

Ultimate Spider-Man #86: Thumbs up? I was ready for a new story, and this is one. But it's to be a 6-issue arc, so we'll have to wait and see how it shapes up. Good first issue, though, Silver Sable makes her Ultimate debut, and Omega Red gets his ultimate butt handed to him by our hero. Ultimate Vision Part 1: Meh. Hard to feel strongly one way or the other over so few pages. Vision reassembles and is in female form. That's it.

Firestorm #19: Thumbs up. Easy to follow, fun to read, solid art. He goes into space, has his best friend in his head.

This is rushed, I gotta... "go to bed." More to come!

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