Sunday, November 06, 2005

Keep em Coming

Good morning campers! For those wondering when/why I do these reviews, the mass reviews come weekend mornings. See, my girlfriend sleeps in and I wake up early. So I have hours to kill without being able to turn on the TV. We live in a tiny studio in San Francisco, and turning on the TV would disturb the princess's slumber. Not that the clickety clack of the keyboard is better, but so be it. I know, I know, no one cares bout this. umm.... look! a chicken! (dashes away)

Outsiders #30: Thumbs up. I haven't been reading this book regularly in years, but this was a fun issue. Especially if you like hot super-villain action (and who doesn't want to see nekkid badguys getting it on). The big deal with this issue is that Psimon tells Arsenal everything about the Secret Society. Donna appears (and saves the day, deus ex machina like) and asks the team to come fight with her. Next issue will be the team splitting in half, and if youve read any solicits, you already know who's on Donna's team. Solid issue, the art was shaky sometimes, though.

Seven Soldiers: Bulleteer: Meh. This was my first of the SS mini-series (I got issue zero), and it didn't do anything for me. Standard origin issue. Pretty art, though, I like Paquette's pencils. Oh, and they made a plot point out of the title character having a stripper-like chest. So it's not Morrisson's usual trippy, deep stuff (see Animal Man. See it! The cover to issue 25 helped come up with the title for this blog).

JSA #79: Thumbs down. Nothing friggin happens!!! Two fights go on, and not much changes from the beginning of the issue to the end. They're fighting on page one, they're fighting on page 32. Oh, Stargirl gets a new costume (aside: where's Jack Knight? I miss him. Where's James Robinson for that matter?). Even in a TPB this issue would feel like a weak chapter. Definately could have done this in 4-6 pages instead. Oy.

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