To the few the proud and the geeky (no, not the junior woodchuck campers):
I'm out of the game. Some time in January, I'm sure I'll bust a "just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!" but for now, happy trails. I just don't have the time in December to keep up with this. It's all I can do to READ all the books I enjoy right now, forget reviewing them all.
Walking Dead, Volume 4: Thumbs WAY up. Man this is good. Great. The best!
Anecdote: I walked into a comic shop in Arizona while visiting my parents over the weekend, as I like to check out new (to me) shops wherever I go. They had all their recent books on shelves alphabetically, with multiple months on top of each other. The week's new books were put on top of the title's previous issues, and a "New This Week" marker indicated the week's (you guessed it) new books. Well, having checked the NCRL, I knew to get new issues of She-Hulk, Ex Machina, and some others. They were sold out of She-Hulk (thumbs way up, by the way). Fine, sold out I understand. But when I got home and read my Ex Machina, it felt very familiar.... because it was last month's book! They had sold out of the new one, and not bothered to take down the "New This Week" marker. This is just a dumb way to run a store. New books should be put in their own shelf area, for one thing. And if you don't do that then you HAVE to take down the "New This Week" marker when you sell out! Argh. If I was in town longer, I'd have gone back to the store and gotten a refund (ok, an exchange). Instead, I'm just left to ponder how poorly run this store is. Sigh.
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